
About SecureFeed

Founded with a vision to bridge the gap between limited and exorbitantly expensive data sources for detecting and preventing malicious IP and URL activity, SecureFeed is your go-to solution for comprehensive online security.

Our Data Sources

SecureFeed draws its strength from a diverse range of trusted data sources, including but not limited to well-known names such as Abuse.ch, Emerging Threats, Alienvault, StopForumSpam.com, Blocklist.de, CIArmy, BotScout, Phishtank, Cleantalk.org, and many more. Our selection ensures the highest level of accuracy and reliability, safeguarding your web assets and networks.

Our Unique Approach

What sets SecureFeed apart is our innovative approach. We employ cutting-edge technology, including reverse DNS lookups and IP-host connections within our database. This enables us to swiftly identify and connect the dots when it comes to suspicious online activities, offering you an unprecedented level of security.

Our Dedicated Team

Behind SecureFeed stands a team of cybersecurity experts, data analysts, and professionals who are passionately committed to ensuring your online safety. We work tirelessly to provide you with the best protection against malicious online activities, leaving you with peace of mind.

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